Two mobile apps for parents and bus drivers


LINA BUS is easy, and simple to use

Android & IOS

You can use both your Android smart phone or Apple IPhone

Call Driver

Parents can call the bus driver from the app.


Real Time

App recieves the school bus location update in real time. Driver location tracked by parents who are assigned to the driver.


Parents receive notifications according to their preferences.

Set Location

Parents can set their preferred pick-up/drop-off location


Simplicity and ease of use is a priority.

View Parents Locations

Driver can view the pick-up/drop-off location of all parents

Android & IOS

Available for both Android & IPhone

Call Parents

Driver can search parents by name or telephone number and can call a parent from the app


School Admin Panel

Transport Managers or school administrators have various tasks including student safety, addressing parent concerns, allocation, and optimization.

Our admin panel is designed to manage these tasks without any hassle.


View your registered parents, drivers, and get statistics about mobile apps usage at a glance


Update school address by writing its address. Do not worry! Google maps places API will show up a list of addresses that match your entered address


Manage drivers with add, read, update, and delete capabilities. Also, view the real-time location of a driver on the map


Manage parents with add, read, update, and delete capabilities. Also, view the pick-up/drop-off location of a parent on the map


Manage the school profile

Choose Plan

Choose a suitable plan for the school account


Super Admin Panel

Super admin of LINA BUS has many tasks including managing different school accounts, configuring payment plans, and monitoring his Stripe balance.

Our admin panel is designed to manage these tasks without any hassle.


View your registered schools and your Razorpay balance at a glance

Manage Schools

Manage your registered schools and view their current plans

Payment & Settings

Manage the payment plans and configure every plan detail. Also, configure the system by providing necessary keys for various features including Google Maps, Razorpay, ...